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We study the determinants of euro area sovereign bond spreads since the introduction of the euro. An aggregate risk … banking sectors. When aggregate risk increases, countries with large banking sectors with low equity ratios experience greater … widening in yield spreads, suggesting that financial markets perceive a larger risk that governments will have to rescue banks …
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This article complements the structural New-Keynesian macro framework with a no-arbitrage affine term structure model. Whereas our methodology is general, we focus on an extended macro-model with unobservable processes for the inflation target and the natural rate of output which are filtered...
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Repo auctions are multiunit auctions regularly used by central banks to inject liquidity into the banking sector. Banks have a fundamental need to participate because they have to satisfy reserve requirements. Superficially, repo auctions resemble treasury auctions; the format and rules are...
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The estimation of dynamic no-arbitrage term structure models with a flexible specification of the market price of risk …
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Forward interest rates have become popular indicators of inflation expectations. The usefulness of this indicator depends on the relative volatility and the correlation of inflation expectations and expected real interest rates. This paper studies US and UK data, using a range of different tools...
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We examine several continuous-time term-structure models, in which the short rate is subject to discrete shifts. Our empirical analysis suggests that inquiring which parameters of the short-term interest rate equation are allowed to switch is crucial, as failing to do so may result in switching...
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This Paper revisits the puzzle of low returns on Swiss franc assets using a new dataset of international portfolio holdings at Swiss banks. The main findings are as follows. First, we find that the return anomaly is present only for fixed income assets and not for equity. Second, it is mostly...
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A simple test of inflation target credibility is constructed by subtracting the maximum and minimum inflation rates consistent with the inflation targets from the yields to maturity on nominal bonds. This results in a target-consistent range of real yields on nominal bonds. If expected real...
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This paper examines the relationship between the equity premium and the risk free rate at three different maturities … country differences and of inconsistencies with the expectations theory of the term structure. We perform simulations using a …
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A measure of the credibility of monetary policy is the inflation risk premium embodied in nominal yields. This will be … with that in the real term structure of inflation-indexed bonds. Information can also be obtained about the real risk … premium, and about expected inflation. We estimate these risk premia using a generalization of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR …
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