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We investigate the predictive information content in foreign exchange volatility risk premia for exchange rate returns …. The volatility risk premium is the difference between realized volatility and a model-free measure of expected volatility … that is derived from currency options, and reflects the cost of insurance against volatility ‡fluctuations in the …
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We study the effect of introducing a new security, such as a non-redundant derivative, on the volatility of stock … increases the volatility of stock-market returns. …
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Black/Scholes constant volatility assumption is violated in practice. These authors hypothesize that the volatility of the … underlying asset’s return is a deterministic function of the asset price and time, and develop the deterministic volatility … 1993, we evaluate the economic significance of the implied deterministic volatility function by examining the predictive …
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volatility mean reverting assumptions. We propose generalisations with a time varying central tendency, jumps and stochastic … volatility, analyse their pricing performance, and their implications for the term structures of VIX futures and options, and the … option volatility "skews". We find that a model combining central tendency and stochastic volatility is required to reliably …
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We use futures instead of forward rates to study the complete maturity spectrum of the forward premium puzzle from two days to six months. At short maturities, the slope coefficient is positive, but it turns negative as the maturity increases to the monthly level. Futures data allow us to...
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Ratios that indicate the statistical significance of a fund’s alpha typically appraise its performance. A growing literature suggests that even in the absence of any ability to predict returns, holding options positions on the benchmark assets or trading frequently can significantly enhance...
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Recent work has suggested that strategic underperformance of debt-service obligations by equity holders can resolve the gap between observed yield spreads and those generated by Merton-style models. We show that this is not quite correct. The value of the option to underperform on debt-service...
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Portfolio choice and the implied asset pricing are usually derived assuming maximization of expected utility. In this Paper, they are derived from risk-value models that generalize the Markowitz-model. We use a behaviourally based risk measure with an endogenous or exogenous benchmark. If the...
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While most empirical analysis of prediction markets treats prices of binary options as predictions of the probability of future events, Manski (2004) has recently argued that there is little existing theory supporting this practice. We provide relevant analytic foundations, describing sufficient...
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Several regulatory authorities worldwide have recently imposed forward contract obligations on electricity producers as a way to mitigate their market power. In this paper we investigate how such contractual obligations affect equilibrium bidding in electricity markets, or in any other...
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