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A common view in the literature is that the effect of energy price shocks on macroeconomic aggregates is asymmetric in energy price increases and decreases. We show that widely used asymmetric vector autoregressive models of the transmission of energy price shocks are misspecified, resulting in...
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important propagation mechanism in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, as the current labour supply affects future …
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Large fluctuations in energy prices have been a distinguishing characteristic of the U.S. economy since the 1970s. Turmoil in the Middle East, rising energy prices in the U.S. and evidence of global warming recently have reignited interest in the link between energy prices and economic...
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We study the impact of regional and sectoral productivity changes on the U.S. economy. To that end, we consider an environment that captures the effects of interregional and intersectoral trade in propagating disaggregated productivity changes at the level of a sector in a given U.S. state to...
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Investment in inventories is known to be important for observed changes in GDP. However, inventory investment and the possibility that firms may fail to sell all goods are typically ignored in business cycle models. Using US data, the ability to sell is shown to be strongly procyclical. By...
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-effects multinomial panel models are estimated using simulation-based techniques. Explanatory variables include OCA fundamentals …
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Development accounting exercises based on an aggregate production function find technology is biased in favour of a country's abundant production factors. We provide an explanation to this finding based on the Heckscher-Ohlin model. Countries trade and specialize in the industries that use...
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disadvantages of the prevailing algorithm that strongly relies on simulation techniques and is easier to implement than existing … possible to avoid Monte Carlo integration. The paper also develops a new simulation procedure that not only avoids cross … finite number of agents. This procedure can help to improve the efficiency of the most popular algorithm in which simulation …
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We construct and numerically solve a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model in which the initial distribution of production factors in the world makes worldwide factor price equalization impossible, and leads countries to group in two diversification cones. We study the dynamics of income per capita and...
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In Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper Nos. 164 and 165 I presented econometric models of the industrialized countries (North) and the oil-importing developing countries (South). This paper links the two models so that the economic interdependence between North and South can be...
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