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The Paper studies the effects and the determinants of interregional redistribution in a model of residential and political choice. We find that paradoxical consequences of interjurisdictional transfers can arise if people are mobile: while self-sufficient regions are necessarily identical with...
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This Paper presents a tractable dynamic general equilibrium model that can explain cross-country empirical regularities in geographical mobility, unemployment and labour market institutions. Rational agents vote over unemployment insurance (UI), taking the dynamic distortionary effects of...
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using macroeconomic data on employment, unemployment, participation, and (for Canada) migration and real wages. We find that … flexible, particularly with regard to migration, while those further east are less so. …
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. We show that corruption opportunities are lower under centralization at each period of time. However, centralization … makes more difficult for citizens to detect corrupt incumbents. Thus, corruption is easier under centralization for low … levels of political competition. We show that the relative advantage of centralization depends negatively on the quality of …
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This paper analyses policy centralization outcomes in a two-jurisdiction model of public good provision choices with … referendum and representative democracy. We show that policy centralization is more likely to occur if the choice to centralize … preferred level of the jurisdiction that least favours centralization, rather than to a compromise between the two jurisdictions …
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This paper investigates economic determinants and effects of aggregate union membership in the Federal Republic of Germany. We establish that in the long run, high union membership levels coincide not only with a large labour force, but also with a high level of real wages, a small dispersion of...
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. We distinguish three modes of unionization with increasing degree of centralization: (1) ‘decentralization’ where wages … firms, and (3) ‘centralization’ where an industry union sets a uniform wage rate for all firms. While firms' investment … incentives are largest under ‘centralization’, investment incentives are non-monotone in the degree of centralization …
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, centralization reduces capture, and is more likely to be welfare enhancing in the presence of information asymmetries. Then, we apply …
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China’s economic reforms have resulted in spectacular growth and poverty reduction. However, China’s institutions look ill-suited to achieve such a result, and they indeed suffer from serious shortcomings. To solve "China puzzle" this paper analyses China’s institution - a regionally...
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The optimal degree of decentralization depends on the importance of inter-state externalities of local policies. We … show that inter-state externalities are determined by spatial distribution of interest groups within the country. Interest … groups who have multi-state scope internalize inter-state externalities to a larger extent than the lobbyists with interests …
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