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In this paper, we study the determinants of the value of informal risk sharing groups. In particular, we look at the … if individuals can deviate form risk sharing agreements in coalitions or not. We test empirically several predictable … size of risk sharing groups can be rejected or that only imperfect risk sharing is obtained within the village because of …
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macroeconomic and political uncertainty. Demand for macroeconomic shock insurance was high; 36.7 percent of microentrepreneurs in … the treatment group purchased insurance. However, purchasing insurance does not change the likelihood that a business … that, contrary to what they profess, macroeconomic and political risk is not inhibiting the investment behavior of …
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We consider physicians with fixed capacity levels. If a physician's capacity exceeds demand, she may have an incentive to overtreat, i.e., she may provide unnecessary treatments to use up idle capacity. By contrast, with excess demand she may undertreat, i.e., she may not provide necessary...
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Can public insurance through redistributive income taxation improve the allocation of risk in an economy in which … the first place. If risk sharing is incomplete because some insurance markets are missing for model-exogenous reasons (as … of risk. If instead private insurance markets exist but their use is limited by the absence of complete enforcement (as …
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This Paper uses panel data on household consumption and income to evaluate the degree of insurance to income shocks … cases of self-insurance and the complete markets assumption. We assess the degree of insurance over and above self-insurance … conventional demand analysis rather than reduced form imputation procedures. Our results point to some partial insurance but reject …
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The full insurance hypothesis states that shocks to the firm's performance do not affect workers' compensation. In … principal-agent models with moral hazard, firms trade off insurance and incentives to induce workers to supply the optimal level … productivity but insure workers only partially against permanent shocks. Risk-sharing considerations can account for about 10% of …
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The consequences of business cycle contingencies in unemployment insurance systems are considered in a search …-matching model allowing for shifts between "good" and "bad" states of nature. We show that not only is there an insurance argument …
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's risk-aversion. This Paper extends the moral hazard model to the case when the agent's risk-aversion is his private … incentives always decreases with risk-aversion. We also characterize the relationship between the outside option and the optimal … contracts. We then apply our results to insurance, managerial incentive pay and corporate governance. …
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We provide empirical evidence that risk sharing enhances specialization in production. To the best of our knowledge … market integration (a measure of risk sharing) within each of these groups of regions: the EC countries, the non-EC OECD … Latin America). Finally, we perform a regression of the specialization index on the degree of risk sharing, controlling for …
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extant research on consumption insurance find that people face substantial risks that they do not fairly pool. In theory, the … changes in risk to fluctuations in aggregate consumption and (d) the significant impact of incomplete markets on aggregate …
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