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The Colonel Blotto game is a two-player constant-sum game in which each player simultaneously distributes her fixed level of resources across a set of contests. In the traditional formulation of the Colonel Blotto game, the players’ resources are “use it or lose it” in the sense that any...
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which the player expending the greater resources wins. In equilibrium, contest effort concentrates on at most two adjacent …
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The means of contest design may include differential taxation of the prize. This paper establishes that, given a … revenue-maximizing contest designer who faces a balanced-budget constraint, the optimal taxation scheme corresponding to an … and effectiveness relative to optimal taxation under any contest success function. …
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, we show that substituting the auction contest success function for the lottery contest success function in a conflict may … radicals. Our results demonstrate the importance of the choice of the institutions of conflict, as modeled by the contest …
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This paper studies sabotage in a contest with non-identical players. Unlike previous papers, we consider sabotage in an … elimination contest and allow contestants to sabotage a potential or future rival. It turns out that for a certain partition of …
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I present a two-player nested contest which is a convex combination of two widely studied contests: the Tullock … (lottery) contest and the all-pay auction. A Nash equilibrium exists for all parameters of the nested contest. If and only if … the contest is sufficiently asymmetric, then there is an equilibrium in pure strategies. In this equilibrium, individual …
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In this paper, we generalize the General Lotto game and the Colonel Blotto game to allow for battlefield valuations that are heterogeneous across battlefields and asymmetric across players, and for the players to have asymmetric resource constraints. We completely characterize Nash equilibrium...
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tournament system induces a higher total output than the optimum premium system. This result occurs because a promotion regime … allows distortion in a contest in favor of winners of previous contests. …
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We consider a simple tournament model in which individuals auto-select into the contest on the basis of their commonly … tournament held in the USA. This tournament is divided into different sections, with players being able to play in the section to …
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; however, this subsequent internal conflict does not discourage alliance members from expending much effort in the contest …
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