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To analyze the optimal social insurance package, we set up a two-period life-cycle model with risky human capital investment in which the government has access to labor taxation, education subsidies and capital taxation. Social insurance is provided by redistributive labor taxation. Moreover,...
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more attractive for social insurance if a larger part of risk is realized in the first period of the life-cycle. Our …
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of years spent in retirement” are characterized by constant or decreasing absolute risk aversion. A similar result …
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Higher-order risk effects play an important role in examining economic behavior under uncertainty. A precautionary … presence of an unavoidable risk affects one’s behavior towards a second risk. These two properties also play key roles in …
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This paper considers how optimal education and tax policy depends on the risk properties of human capital. It is … demonstrated that a key feature of human capital investments is whether they increase or decrease wage risk. In a benchmark model …
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risky labour-market outcomes, adverse selection, moral hazard and risk aversion. The model combines structured student loans … (redistribution). In separating optima, the talented types bear more risk than the less-talented ones; they arise only if the social …
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explore the design of policy. The model highlights the critical roles played by (i) the relationship between behavioural risk … preferences, standard risk aversion and labour supply behaviour, (ii) the risk properties of education, and (iii) the degree of …
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In this paper we build a formal model to study market environments where information is costly to acquire and is of use also to potential competitors. In such situations a market for information may form, where reports - of unverifiable quality - over the information acquired are sold. A...
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background or insured risks. (ii) Full risk coverage by the welfare state can only be optimal in a costless welfare state. (iii …
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This paper investigates whether risk aversion and impatience are correlated with cognitive ability. We conduct … incentive compatible choice experiments measuring risk aversion, and impatience over an annual time horizon, for a … with greater risk aversion, and more pronounced impatience. These relationships are statistically and economically …
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