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This paper proposes the Fixed Effects Filtered (FEF) and Fixed Effects Filtered instrumental variable (FEF-IV) estimators for estimation and inference in the case of time-invariant effects in static panel data models when N is large and T is fixed. It is shown that the FEF and FEF-IV estimators...
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according to the impact of the oil price shock on the overall price level. While cross–country heterogeneity in the short …–run pass–through can be attributed to different weights of energy items in the consumption basket, heterogeneity in the medium …
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We examine the effect of the interaction between resource rents and democracy on corruption for a panel of 29 Sub …-Saharan countries during the period from 1985 to 2007. We find that higher resource rents lead to more corruption and that the effect is … suggest that the mechanisms through which resource rents affect corruption cannot be separated from political systems. …
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In this paper we perform an empirical analysis to investigate the impact of socio-economic heterogeneity on electoral … results suggest that increased ethnic heterogeneity and reduced social pressure tend to depress turnout. …
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This paper provides a comprehensive empirical assessment of the relation between the cyclicality of fiscal policy, output volatility, and economic growth, using a large cross-section of 88 countries over the period 1960 to 2004. Identification of the effects of (endogenous) cyclical fiscal...
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higher government effectiveness. The effects on government expenditure, corruption and productivity have the expected signs …
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In 1998 Rüdiger Dornbusch gave the Munich Lectures in Economics entitled “International Financial Crises”. The CES Academic Council awarded him the prize and title “Distinguished CES Fellow” for his outstanding work on the monetary theory of foreign trade.Rüdiger Dornbusch passed away...
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very little attention in the literature on corruption. I study a model of corruption with incomplete information in which … consumers require a government service from officials who may be corrupt. A victim of corruption can report corrupt officials to … which no one reports corruption regardless of the proportion of honest supervisors although all lower-ranking officials are …
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An important issue in the analysis of cross-sectional dependence which has received renewed interest in the past few years is the need for a better understanding of the extent and nature of such cross dependencies. In this paper we focus on measures of cross-sectional dependence and how such...
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This paper introduces a novel approach for dealing with the 'curse of dimensionality' in the case of large linear dynamic systems. Restrictions on the coefficients of an unrestricted VAR are proposed that are binding only in a limit as the number of endogenous variables tends to infinity. It is...
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