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In this paper, we examine the role of global and domestic credit supply shocks in macroeconomic fluctuations for Emerging Markets. For this purpose, we impose a set of zero and sign restrictions within a medium-scale Bayesian Vector Auto-Regressive model. Quarterly data from South Africa and G-7...
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This paper analyzes slot-based approaches to management of airport congestion, using a model where airlines are asymmetric and internalize airport congestion. Under these circumstances, optimal congestion tolls differ across carriers, and since a slot-sale regime (with its uniform slot price)...
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load factors, and raise aircraft fuel efficiency, while having no effect on aircraft size. Given that these adjustments …
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This paper investigates strategic interaction among airlines in product-quality choices. Using an instrumental variables approach, the paper estimates flight-frequency reaction functions, which relate an airline’s frequency on a route to its own characteristics and to the frequencies of...
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This paper examines heterogeneity in exchange rate expectations. Whereas agents’ heterogeneity is key in modern … exchange rate models, evidence on determinants of heterogeneity is weak so far. Our sample, covering expectations from about … heterogeneity. The risk premium influences heterogeneity as well, but possible impacts from macroeconomic variables and exchange …
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. Alternative models of expectations formation are reviewed and the importance of allowing for heterogeneity of expectations is …
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This paper presents a new approach to estimation and inference in panel data models with unobserved common factors possibly correlated with exogenously given individual-specific regressors and/or the observed common effects. The basic idea behind the proposed estimation procedure is to filter...
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assumptions regarding the structure of systematic and idiosyncratic risks and the nature of firm heterogeneity. The theoretical … portfolio weights. In either case, neglecting parameter heterogeneity can lead to underestimation of expected losses. But, once … expected losses are controlled for, neglecting parameter heterogeneity can lead to overestimation of risk, whether measured by …
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This paper studies the design of the optimal non linear taxation in an economy where longevity varies across agents, and depends on three factors: longevity genes, health investment and farsightedness. Provided earnings, farsightedness and genes are correlated, governmental intervention can be...
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according to the impact of the oil price shock on the overall price level. While cross–country heterogeneity in the short …–run pass–through can be attributed to different weights of energy items in the consumption basket, heterogeneity in the medium …
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