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In this paper we analyze the sustainability of public finances in the states (Laender) of the Federal Republic of … and 1991 to 2011 for East German Laender, respectively. In order to assess the fiscal sustainability of the (Laender) we … strict fiscal sustainability in most of the 16 German Laender. A notable exception to this finding is Bavaria. …
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We examine whether US and German state governments pursue sustainable fiscal policies taking into account fiscal transfers. Using panel data techniques we investigate whether the debt-to-GDP ratio had a positive influence on the primary surplus (Bohn-model). We show that including/excluding...
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This paper presents a review of the most significant fiscal rules policymakers can choose from. The insights from this review are then applied to the current budgetary situation of the European Union. In the European Union, the supranational Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) should provide the...
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process related to World War II. We find sustainability over the entire period. However, splitting the sample into two sub …-samples before and after World War II, the results do much less support sustainability. Finally, applying the tax smoothing model of …
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The paper examines the sustainability of U.S. fiscal policy, finding substantial evidence in favor. I summarize the U ….S. fiscal record from 1792-2003, critically review sustainability conditions and their testable implications, and apply them to …’ severe heteroskedasticity. The most credible evidence in favor of sustainability is the robust positive response of primary …
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debt crisis has prompted a fundamental re]evaluation of public debt sustainability and the looming threat of sovereign debt … peacetime debt]to]GDP (Gross Domestic Product) ratio has never been higher. In this paper, we analyse the sustainability of …]torical analysis, we conduct formal tests on fiscal sustainability, including tests on stationarity and cointegration and the …
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This paper explores the factors behind the time path of real spending and revenue in the West German states from 1975 to 2004. The empirical approach stresses robustness and takes into account a large set of economic and political variables. Our results suggest that common economic factors and,...
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Sustainability Council––that would actively bring financial markets into the fiscal-policy process, and we explain the technique …
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Sustainablity of Austrian public debt is investigated in the context of political objectives such as stabilizing the business cycle, increasing chances for being re-elected and implementing the ideologies of political parties. Several tests indicate that Austrian fiscal policies were sustainable...
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This paper puts the Reinhart-Rogoff dataset to a formal econometric testing to see whether public debt has a negative nonlinear effect on growth if public debt exceeds 90% of GDP. Using nonlinear threshold models, we show that the negative nonlinear relationship between debt and growth is very...
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