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environments, we use a laboratory experiment in which we form groups and assign leadership roles at random. We study an environment … behavior. Moreover, appointing leaders who are likely to have acted dishonestly in a preliminary stage of the experiment yields …
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We study the stability of voluntary cooperation in response to varying rates at which a group grows. Using a laboratory public-good game with voluntary contributions and economies of scale, we construct a situation in which expanding a group’s size yields potential efficiency gains, but only...
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Existing experimental research on behavior in weakest-link games shows overwhelmingly the inability of people to coordinate on the efficient equilibrium, especially in larger groups. We hypothesize that people will be able to coordinate on efficient outcomes, provided they have sufficient...
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In some important multi-player situations, such as efforts to supply a global public good, players can choose the game they want to play. In this paper we conduct an experimental test of the decision to choose between a “tipping” game, in which every player wants to contribute to the public...
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Concern about potential free riding in the provision of public goods has a long history. More recently, experimental economists have turned their attention to the conditions under which free riding would be expected to occur. A model of free riding is provided here which demonstrates that...
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rather than a risk-less pie. Contrary to theory, the comparatively less risk adverse residual claimants benefit the most … the intuition that risk exposure is detrimental, we show that residual claimants are able to extract a risk premium, which … is increasing in risk exposure. In some cases the premium is so high that it is advantageous to bargain over a risky pie …
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of our laboratory experiment do not support this latter view, though. In fact, weakening the participation requirement …
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, including those where institutions govern only a subset of players. The experiment confirms that institutions are formed … institution formation process is guided by behavioral principles not taken into account by standard theory. …
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This paper derives and justifies a procedurally fair bidding mechanism and reviews experiments that apply the mechanism to public projects provision. In the experiments, not all parties benefit from provision, and the projects’ costs can be negative. The experimental results indicate that the...
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This paper studies how updating affects ambiguity-attitude. In particular we focus on the generalized Bayesian update of the Jaffray-Phillipe sub-class of Choquet Expected Utility preferences. We find conditions for ambiguity-attitude to be the same before and after updating. A necessary and...
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