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Are natural resources a “curse” or a “blessing”? The empirical evidence suggests either outcome is possible. The paper surveys a variety of hypotheses and supporting evidence for why some countries benefit and others lose from the presence of natural resources. These include that a...
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The volatility of unanticipated output growth in income per capita is detrimental to long-run development, controlling …. This effect is significant and robust over a wide range of specifications. We unravel the effects of volatility by opening … dependence, physical and institutional barriers to trade and associated policy shocks increase volatility sharply and harm growth …
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We use a new dataset on non-resource GDP to examine the impact of commodity price volatility on economic growth in a … panel of up to 158 countries during the period 1970-2007. Our main finding is that commodity price volatility leads to a … result, we show that increased commodity price volatility leads to a statistically significant and quantitatively large …
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experienced relatively low and non inclusive economic growth as well as high levels of macroeconomic volatility. Important …
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, two main issues are investigated: the impact on international trade of exchange rate volatility and of currency … misalignments. On average, exchange rate volatility has a negative (even if not large) impact on trade flows. The extent of this …
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In this paper, we document the fact that countries that have experienced occasional financial crises have, on average, grown faster than countries with stable financial conditions. We measure the incidence of crisis with the skewness of credit growth, and find that it has a robust negative...
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This paper applies volatility measures and VAR spectral analytic techniques to give a thorough description of the ….The central findings are summarized with regard to (i) national product share, contribution-to-variance and volatility …
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This paper investigates the role of economic and political volatility in the process of corporate tax … a number of measures of economic and political volatility. The fundamental testable prediction derived from the … theoretical model is that increased volatility should reduce a country’s corporate tax rate. Our results support the hypothesis …
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This paper studies the dynamics of volatility transmission between Central European currencies and euro/dollar foreign … exchange using model-free estimates of daily exchange rate volatility based on intraday data. We formulate a flexible yet … parsimonious parametric model in which the daily realized volatility of a given exchange rate depends both on its own lags as well …
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describe the most typical features of capital markets like volatility clustering, excess kurtosis and fat tails. As empirical … evidence shows asymmetry is also a prominent feature of stock market returns volatility. The reaction of risk if stock returns …
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