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Immigration is an important problem in many societies, and it has wide-ranging effects on the educational systems of … model of family immigration in a framework where school quality and student outcomes are determined endogenously. This … selection. Also, we can study the effect of immigration on the school system and how school quality may self …
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This paper studies whether the unemployment dynamics of immigrants differ from those of natives, paying special attention to the impact of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity among individuals. Using a large administrative data set for Spain, we estimate multiple-spell discrete duration...
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This paper studies how unemployment and employment durations for immigrants and natives respond differently to changes … conditions, both in terms of unemployment and employment hazards. Moreover, the effect of the business cycle is not constant but … on subsequent employment duration, but only for native workers with temporary contracts. Nonetheless, this effect …
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employment associated to the arrival of new immigrants. Overall, we find that (i) the effects of immigration on wage changes are … job characteristics remain constant over time. Hence, we compute the impact of immigration on the wage distribution from … the incidence of immigration in each decile of the wage distribution and the change in native wages not explained by …
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The relationship between crime and immigration has been a matter of controversy in the US and around the world. This … paper investigates empirically the case of Spain. From 1999 to 2009, Spain has had a large wave of immigration from … that have received similar massive immigration waves during the same period, crime rates in Spain have increased less …
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particular appears to increase paid employment opportunities. Immigration is also likely to raise income per capita in Thailand …The effects of immigration on the Thai economy are considerable, as the number of immigrants has increased rapidly … services. Immigration is associated with an improvement of labour market outcomes of the native-born population, and in …
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Immigration policy in most high-income countries is designed to promote qualified migration while maintaining high … services abroad on language skills at immigration trace back directly to migrants' participation in language courses, revealing …
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the most of immigration. This report finds that the immigration in the Dominican Republic has a varying but limited … aiming to facilitate the integration of immigrants and a better inclusion of immigration into different sectoral policies …, economic growth, and public finance – of immigration in ten partner countries: Argentina, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, the …
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