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We study competitive equilibria with moral hazard in economies with aggregate risk and where trading occurs with an incomplete set of financial assets (this version preliminarly analyzes economies with trading in only one asset). The main conclusion of the paper is that, contrary to the...
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In a two-period finite competitive exchange economy with incomplete financial markets and retrading, we show the generic existence of financial innovation which decreases equilibrium price volatility (as well as innovation which increases it). The existence
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We study an economy with competitive commodity markets and exclusive pairwise contractual relations with moral hazard, where both the principal and the agent can be risk averse. We show existence of equilibria and their generic constrained suboptimality,
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In this paper we compare rational expectations equilibria with different degrees of information revelation through prices. These equilibria arise in a two-period exchange economy with finitely many states and signals, multiple commodities and incomplete f
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We consider a model of endogenous occupational choice in economies with a continuum of individuals who differ in their wealth endowments. Individuals have a choice of remaining self-employed or engaging in productive matches with other individuals, i.e., forming ``firms''. Such matches are...
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In a model of exchange with price-taking individuals, the existence of a continuum of nontrivial underemployment equilibria with walrasian prices is proved for a generic set of economies. The likelihood of the occurrence of these equilibria is higher the
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(This paper is a substantially revised and modified version of 'Financial innovation and expectations: endogenous incompleteness and real indeterminacy', CARESS Working Paper #95-01, University of Pennsylvania). We study a stock market economy with pooli
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