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The main conclusion of the FM study relies on the fact that the average of the slopes of 402 regressions of the monthly returns on 20 portfolios on theirs beta coefficients is positive. Considering this set of 402 slopes as a random sample drawn from the same normally distributed population, FM...
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A new alternative diffusion model for asset price movements is presented. In contrast to the popular approach of Brownian motion it proposes deterministic diffusion for the modelling of stock price movements. These diffusion processes are a new area of physical research and can be created by the...
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Security prices in efficient markets reflect all relevant information. Past price formations and even fundamental …
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prices, the outcome from investment decisions, with all the information available to economic agents in their rational …
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The aim of the following work is to exploit principal econometric tecniques to test the Capital Asset Pricing Model theory in Italian equity markets. CAPM is a financial model which describes expected returns of any assets (or asset portfolio) as a function of the expected return on the market...
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the inefficiency of the proxy. An extension of the proposed test to a CAPM with conditioning information links …
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This paper shows that a decision maker using the CAPM for valuing firms and making decisions may contradict Modigliani and Miller’s Proposition I, if he adopts the widely-accepted disequilibrium NPV. As a consequence, CAPM-minded agents employing this NPV are open to arbitrage losses and miss...
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This paper examines the applicability of CAPM in explaining the risk-return relation in the Malaysian stock market for the period of January 1995 to December 2006. The test, using linear regression method, was carried out on four models: the standard CAPM model with constant beta (Model I), the...
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This paper shows that (i) project valuation via disequilibrium NPV+CAPM contradicts valuation via arbitrage pricing, (ii) standard CAPM-minded decision makers may fail to profit from arbitrage opportunities, (iii) standard CAPM-based valuation violates value additivity. As a consequence, the...
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This paper uses counterexamples and simple formalization to show that the standard CAPM-based Net Present Value may not be used for investment valuations. The reason is that the standard CAPM-based capital budgeting criterion implies a notion of value which does not comply with the principle of...
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