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This paper empirically examines the functional role of various micro and macro economic as well as situational factors that determine residential housing demand and risk of borrower default. Using 13,487 housing loan account sanctioned from 1993-2007) data from Housing Finance Institutions...
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Stylized facts on financial time series data are the volatility of returns that follow non-normal conditions such as leverage effects and heavier tails leading returns to have heavier magnitudes of extreme losses. Value-at-risk is a standard method of forecasting possible future losses in...
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Both practitioners and academicians demand a linkage model across financial markets, particularly among regional capital markets, for both risk management and portfolio selection purposes. Researchers frequently use co-integration and causality analysis in investigating the dependence or...
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This article extends the theory of corporate risk management to encompass highly dynamic risks. Taking Viscusi'�s (1989) prospective reference from the context of individual decision making and applying it to a corporate context we propose a theory of how corporations process new information....
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This paper describes theoretical motivations for corporate risk management activities and empirical evidence provided by different scholars on such rationales. These theoretical considerations can be extended also to the new risk management practices such as enterprise risk management. Based on...
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This paper approaches the risk management as a decision making process in which the best solution to an exposure is found and implemented. Such a process includes five stages: identifying the risk, assessment of exposure, analysis of the alternatives to deal with the exposure, adopting the...
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Derivatives are the major icon among risk management practices. Firms usually use derivatives to hedge their foreign exchange and interest rate risk. This study aims to examine the determinants’ of corporate hedging policies and derivative usage in risk management particularly with respect to...
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Determinants of default risk of banks in emerging economies have so far received inadequate attention in the literature. Using panel data techniques, this paper seeks to examine the impact of macroeconomic and endogenous factors on non-performing assets for the period from 1997-2009. The...
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