Showing 1 - 10 of 124
We propose an objective for the firm in a model of production economies extending over time under uncertainty and with incomplete markets. We derive the objective of the firm from the assumption of initial-shareholders efficiency. Each shareholder is assumed to communicate to the firm her...
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The pricing of contingent claims in the wholesale power market is a controversial topic. Important challenges come from the non-storability of electricity and the number of parameters that impact the market. We propose an equilibrium model based on the fundamentals of power generation. In a...
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In this paper, we study a pure exchange economy with idiosyncratic uncertainty, hidden action and multiple consumption goods.We consider two different market structures: contingent markets on the one hand, and financial and spot markets on the otherhand. We propose a competitive equilibrium...
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The paper addresses intergenerational and intragenerational equity in an overlapping generation economy. We aim at defining an egalitarian distribution of a constant stream of resources, when preferences are ordinal and non-comparable. We establish the impossibility of efficiently distributing...
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Recent extensions of the standard Dixit-Stiglitz (1977) model, that go beyond the CES sub-utility assumption, while maintaining monopolistic competition, have mainly emphasized the role of iintrasectoral substitutability. We argue that introducing oligopolistic competition can be an alternative...
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This paper proves existence of a multiplicity of equilibria in a 2-period TGE model with money and nominal rigidities. Households have in- complete preferences and firms reach decisions through the “control principle” (cf. Dr`eze 1989).
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This paper provides a general overview of the literature on the core of an exchange economy with asymetric information. Incentive compatibility is emphasized in studying core concepts at the ex ante and the interim stage.The analysis includes issues of non emptiness of the core as wellas core...
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In this paper, we compare, in the framework of exchange economies with an atomless continuum of traders, two models of noncooperative exchange “a` la Cournot-Nash” with consistent prices which belong to a line of reseach initiated by Shapley and Shubik (1977).
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This note analyzes the effect of product complementarity in a bilateral oligopoly. We show that offers of traders on the two sides of the market are strategic complements (substitutes) if and only if the two goods are substitutes (complements). The outcome of the bilateral oligopoly game...
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This contribution investigates the effictiveness and welfare implications of fiscal policies in a context of multilateral trade, when traders behave strategically. The present approach deals simultaneously with two aspects of fiscal policies: collecting resources for redistributive purposes and...
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