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Nowcasting regards the inference on the present realization of random variables, on the basis of information available until a recent past. This paper proposes a modelling strategy aimed at a best use of the data for nowcasting based on panel data with severe deficiencies, namely short times...
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This paper examines the empirical interplay between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions using panel data. Relying on nonparametric methods, we find evidence supporting specifications which assume the constancy of the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita during the...
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This paper studies competition in regulation and commodity taxation between trading countries. We present a general equilibrium model in which destination based consumption taxes finance public goods, while regulation of entry determines the number of firms in the markets. We find (i) no...
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This paper discusses the effects of pressure policies on offshore financial centers as well as their ability to enforce the compliance of those centers with anti-money laundering regulations. Offshore banks can be encouraged to comply with rigorous monitoring of an investor's identity and the...
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We examine the effect of the Amnesty Plus policy on the incentives of firms to engage in cartel activities. Amnesty Plus is aimed at attracting amnesty applications by encouraging firms, convicted in one market, to report their collusive agreements in other markets. It has been vigorously...
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We propose a jackknife for reducing the order of the bias of maximum likelihood estimates of nonlinear dynamic fixed-effect panel models. In its simplest form, the half-panel jackknife, the estimatorisjust 2θˆ−θ1/2,where θˆ!istheMLEfromthefullpaneland θ1/2 istheaverageofthe two...
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In a recent study, Holmes and Stevens (2002) identify for the first time a positive relationship that exists between establishment scale and local industry concentration using a large cross-sectional plant level data set for the US. Using an exhaustive plant level panel data set for Irish...
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While there have been some references in the literature to the potential role of the general decline in rainfall in sub-Saharan African nations on their poor growth performance relative to other developing countries, this avenue remains empirically unexplored. In this paper we use a new...
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This paper examines the empirical interplay between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions using panel data. Relying on nonparametric methods, we find evidence supporting specifications which assume the constancy of the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita during the...
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In this paper, we study maximum likelihood estimation and Lagrange multiplier testing of a one-way error components regression model suitable for incomplete panel and including parametrically specified variance functions for both individual-specific and general error disturbances.
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