Showing 1 - 10 of 59
In recent decades, governments in Canada have pursued market-oriented policies at both the macro and micro levels …. Economists believe that such policies should foster productivity growth. Since 2000, however, productivity growth in Canada has … been dismal, much below that in the United States and below Canada’s historical trend. The objective of this report is to …
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decades. In particular, Canada’s Aboriginal population could play a key role in mitigating the looming long-term labour … shortage caused by Canada’s aging population and low birth rate. We estimate that complete closure of both the education and …
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In recent years, the productivity performance of oil and gas extraction in Canada has been dismal. Based on official … real GDP and labour input estimates from Statistics Canada, labour productivity in oil and gas extraction fell 8.23 per … high productivity level, have resulted in positive contributions to Canada‟s aggregate labour productivity growth from 2000 …
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The forest products sector in Canada has faced hard times since 2000. In terms of productivity growth, the sector as a …
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In recent years, the productivity performance of mining in Canada has been very poor. Based on official real GDP and … labour input estimates from Statistics Canada, labour productivity in mining fell by 2.21 per cent per year between the 2000 … Canada‟s aggregate labour productivity growth from 2000 to 2006 and an offsetting effect on the post-2000 aggregate labour …
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, stocks of wealth, economic equality and economic security) for Canada and the provinces for the 1981-2008 period. It finds …
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This report aims to accomplish three objectives: provide an assessment of Canada’s productivity performance; provide a … Institute; and develop a framework for unbundling slow productivity growth in Canada and the widening productivity gap with the …
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Investing in disadvantaged young people is one of the rare public policies with no equity-efficiency tradeoff. Based on the methodology developed in Sharpe, Arsenault and Lapointe (2007), we estimate the effect of increasing the educational attainment level of Aboriginal Canadians on labour...
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Canada's labour productivity performance has been abysmal since 2000, both relative to our historical experience and to … work. Canada's potential level of "social productivity" is lower because of this situation. This is an output shortfall …
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In this chapter, Daniel Schwanen addresses the impact of the major trade liberalization efforts undertaken by Canada … and its trading partners beginning with the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 1989. The author focuses in … Canada in the 1990s. The author divides Canadian manufacturing industries into five groups according to their sensitivity to …
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