Showing 1 - 10 of 11
This paper reviews recent approaches to modeling the labour market and assesses their implications for inflation dynamics through both their effect on marginal cost and on price-setting behavior. In a search and matching environment, we consider the following modeling setups: right-to-manage...
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This paper develops a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with interactions between a heterogeneous banking sector and other private agents. We introduce endogenous default probabilities for both firms and banks, and allow for bank regulation and liquidity injection into the interbank...
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We build a model with frictional unemployment and staggered wage bargaining and we assume that hours worked are negotiated every period. We analyze the role of workers? bargaining power in the hours negotiation on unemployment volatility and inflation persistence. The closer to zero is this...
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This paper contributes to the already vast literature on demography-induced international capital flows by examining the role of labor market imperfections and institutions. We setup a two-country overlapping generations model with search unemployment, which we calibrate on EU15 and US data....
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We incorporate on-the-job search (OTJS) into a real business cycle model in order to study whether OTJS increases the cyclical volatility of unemployment and vacancies. The increased search of employed workers during expansions has two effects on the unemployed: it induces firms to openmore...
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Ces dernières années, malgré une croissance continue de l'emploi, le taux de chômage luxembourgeois a augmenté de façon tendancielle, passant de 2 % en 2000 à presque 5 % actuellement. Ce phénomène a priori contradictoire a pour toile de fond le fait que sur les quelques 300 000 emplois...
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We build on the DSGE literature to propose an overlapping generation model for Luxembourg. By way of illustration, the model is then used to study the consequences of the ageing of the population and the potential effects of alternative macroeconomic policies.
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This paper develops a search-matching model, where producers provide effort to find customers (e.g. in form of advertising and marketing expenditures). Firms form long-term contractual relationships and bargain over prices. The price bargain results in mark up pricing above marginal cost. The...
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This paper re-examines the effects of population aging and pension reforms in an OLG model with labor market frictions. The most important feature brought about by labor market frictions is the connection between the interest rate and the unemployment rate. Exogenous shocks (such as aging)...
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Outre au problème de vieillissement de la population, le Luxembourg devra faire face au départ à la retraite de larges contingents de travailleurs non-résidents ainsi qu?à l?essoufflement attendu de l?immigration et de l?arrivée de futurs frontaliers. Le financement des systèmes de...
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