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As a companion paper to our work on students' application and colleges' admission decisions, we have estimated a joint …
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to the role of earnings growth and variability. Using linked administrative data from Texas on public K-12 students …
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It is generally agreed upon that most individuals who acquire a college degree do so in their early 20s. Despite this consensus, we show that in the US from the 1930 birth cohort onwards a large fraction - around 20% - of college graduates obtained their degree after age 30. We explore the...
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Students who attend different colleges in the U.S. end up with vastly different economic outcomes. We study the role of … outcomes of students who apply to and are admitted by the same set of institutions, as this approach strikingly balances …
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as providing better information about the application of economics, exposing students to role models, and updating course …
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For-profit providers are becoming an increasingly important fixture of US higher education markets. Students who attend … than students attending similarly-selective public schools. Because for-profits tend to serve students from more …. The first-stage estimates show that students are much more likely to enroll in a for-profit institution for a given labor …
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This article reviews the recent literature on the determinants of college major choices. We first highlight long-term trends and persistent differences in college major choices by gender, race, and family background. We then review the existing research in six key areas: expected earnings and...
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-shaped. Finally, a reduction of 20 students (one standard deviation) in one's class size has a positive effect on monthly wages of …We study how class size and class composition affect the academic and labor market performance of college students, two … assignment of students to teaching classes. We find that a one standard deviation increase in class-size results in a 0 …
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This paper estimates the effect of paid employment on grades of full-time, four-year students from four nationally …
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We study how human capital diversification, in the form of double majoring, affects the response of earnings to labor market shocks. Double majors experience substantial protection against earnings shocks, of 56%. This finding holds across different model specifications and data sets....
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