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Time series data affect many aspects of our lives. This paper highlights ten things we should all know about time series, namely: a good working knowledge of econometrics and statistics, an awareness of measurement errors, testing for zero frequency, seasonal and periodic unit roots, analysing...
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This paper describes a parameter estimation method for both stationary and non-stationary ARFIMA (p,d,q) models, based on autoregressive approximation. We demonstrate consistency of the estimator for -1/2 d 1, and in the stationary case we provide a Normal approximation to the finite-sample...
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Two important empirical features of monthly US unemployment are that shocks to the series seem rather persistent and that unemployment seems to rise faster in recessions than that it falls during expansions. To jointly capture these features of long memory and nonlinearity, respectively, we put...
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, coffee, cotton, orange juice, Kansas City wheat, rubber, and palm oil. The class of fractional GARCH models, namely the … FIGARCH model of Baillie et al. (1996), FIEGACH model of Bollerslev and Mikkelsen (1996), and FIAPARCH model of Tse (1998 …), are modelled and compared with the GARCH model of Bollerslev (1986), EGARCH model of Nelson (1991), and APARCH model of …
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We discuss specification, frequency domain estimation and application of flexible fractionally integrated seasonal long memory time series models, which allow for 'chi-squared' (seasonal) unit root testing. We suggest periodogram regression and approximate ML estimation. We successfully apply a...
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-Theory- Two theories about trends in left-right political orientations are juxtaposed: the persistence theory claiming that left-right orientations are highly resistant to change versus the irrelevance theory anticipating a move of mass publics towards the center of the left-right continuum....
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highly dependent on the magnitude of shocks themselves. Markov-Switching GARCH (MS-GARCH) models are a valuable tool for … dynamics, it is here suggested to use a modification of the component GARCH model proposed by Ding and Granger (1996) in which … lagged values of the conditional standard deviation. Differently from MS-GARCH models, likelihood based inference for the …
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, and, although it outperforms representative GARCH models, it does so with greater complexity and data intensiveness that … may not be worthwhile relative to GARCH's simplicity and flexibility. …
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We provide results for the valuation of European style contingent claims for a large class of specifications of the underlying asset returns. Our valuation results obtain in a discrete time, infinite state-space setup using the no-arbitrage principle and an equivalent martingale measure. Our...
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The internal models amendment to the Basel Accord allows banks to use internal models to forecast Value-at-Risk (VaR) thresholds, which are used to calculate the required capital that banks must hold in reserve as a protection against negative changes in the value of their trading portfolios. As...
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