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We consider a pure exchange representative agent economy with perishable and durable commodities in which the durable good provides status as well as services. We examine the effects of the durable's attributes on demands and equilibrium prices. When the attributes are perfect substitutes...
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-value premium, and a collateral-value premium. The validity of the no-arbitrage pricing approach is shown to depend critically on …'absence d'arbitrage dépend de manière critique de la différence entre un actif réel et sa contrepartie synthétique. …
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One fundamental issue in the study of market microstructures is that of price discovery. While most existing studies focus on the trading period, little is known whether and how much the non-trading period contributes to the price discovery. This paper offers a new perspective on the price...
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This paper proposes a general way to craft public policy when there is no consensual account of the situation of interest. The design builds on a dual extension of the traditional theory of economic policy. It does not require a representative policymaker's utility function (as in the literature...
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This paper proposes a formal definition of the notion of technological paradigm. This definition is consistent with the fundamental proposition of Kuhnian philosophy of science, that progress only happens through successive and abrupt shifts of paradigm. It also helps clarifying a number of...
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The paper addresses the effect of technological progress on the frontiers of the firm, building on transaction cost theory and agency theory. The model incorporates four types of costs: production, coordination, management, and transaction costs. The market has lower production costs, but higher...
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The application of this work is to decision taking with financial time-series, using learning algorithms. The traditional approach is to train a model using a prediction criterion, such as minimizing the squared error between predictions and actual values of a dependent variable, or maximizing...
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This paper uses estimation techniques related to those of Galbraith and Zinde-Walsh (2000) for ARCH and GARCH models, based on realized volatility (Andersen and Bollerslev 1998, and others), to estimate the conditional quantiles of daily volatility in samples of equity index and foreign exchange...
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We propose different extensions of the continuous record asymptotic analysis for rolling sample variance estimators developed by Foster and Nelson (1996). First, despite the difference in information sets we are able to compare the asymptotic distribution of volatility estimators involving data...
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This paper is part of a larger research program pertaining to the role of derivatives during financial crisis and also part of the research pertaining to the causes of the Asian financial crisis. The Korean market is studied because of two reasons: (1) it is a representative example of the Asian...
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