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One fundamental issue in the study of market microstructures is that of price discovery. While most existing studies focus on the trading period, little is known whether and how much the non-trading period contributes to the price discovery. This paper offers a new perspective on the price...
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This paper examines the valuation of European- and American-style volatility options based on a general equilibrium … stochastic volatility framework. Properties of the optimal exercise region and of the option price are provided when volatility … the MRLP (mean-reverting in the log) volatility model which has received considerable empirical support. In this context …
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sample path realization of the latent instantaneous volatility process. Le développement de procédures d'estimation et de …The development of estimation and forecasting procedures using empirically realistic continuous-time stochastic … volatility models is severely hampered by the lack of closed-form expressions for the transition densities of the observed …
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. First, for any given model, the loss function used in parameter estimation and model evaluation should be the same …, otherwise suboptimal parameter estimates may be obtained. Second, when comparing models, the estimation loss function should be … utilisée pour l'estimation et l'évaluation des modèles de valorisation des options? Plusieurs fonctions ont été suggérées, mais …
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We build and estimate an equilibrium model of the term structure of interest rates based on a recursive utility specification. We contrast it with an arbitrage-free model, where prices of risk are estimated freely without preference constraints. In both models, nominal bond yields are affine...
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We consider a pure exchange representative agent economy with perishable and durable commodities in which the durable good provides status as well as services. We examine the effects of the durable's attributes on demands and equilibrium prices. When the attributes are perfect substitutes...
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-time equilibrium framework. The dynamics of interest rates and yields are driven by the dynamics of the conditional volatility of the …
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leverage, volatility and the riskless interest rate. We find that estimated coefficients for these variables are consistent … premia is approximately 23%. Volatility and leverage by themselves also have substantial explanatory power for credit default … data. We therefore conclude that leverage, volatility and the riskfree rate are important determinants of credit default …
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models with time varying volatility. In this paper we consider models of this class and examine their potential when it comes … options on the minimum of two indices. Our results show that not only is correlation important for these options but so is … allowing this correlation to be dynamic. Moreover, we show that for the general model exposure to correlation risk carries an …
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In this paper we propose a generic procedure for estimating and pricing options in the context of stochastic volatility … estimation of the model in terms of pricing and hedging performance. Our results, based on the S&P 500 index contract, show that … remarkably simple volatility extraction filter based on a polynomial lag structure of implied volatilities. The bivariate …
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