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The development of estimation and forecasting procedures using empirically realistic continuous-time stochastic volatility models is severely hampered by the lack of closed-form expressions for the transition densities of the observed returns. In response to this, Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold...
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We evaluate biodiversity in a real options framework, when the resources in use are substitutable. We examine optimal conservation decisions given that a biodiversity loss is irreversible and that future use values are uncertain. While species substitutability is generally believed to reduce the...
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In this paper, we match both the first and the second moments of the equity premium and the risk-free rate by endowing … premium is 1.7% for a coefficient of relative risk aversion of 8 and a discount factor of 0.98, while the standard deviations … for both the equity premium and the risk-free rate are close to the observed ones. The mean of the risk-free rate stands …
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We elicit subjects' willingness to pay to reduce future risk. In our experiments, subjects are given a cash endowment … probability sessions, suggesting that this bias robustly persists in environments including both risk and future uncertainty, and …
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classical studies on voluntary contributions to public goods. The Nash equilibrium, under the assumption of risk neutrality …
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This paper distinguishes relative risk aversion and resistance to intertemporal substitution in climate risk modeling …. It shows that higher risk aversion increases the optimal carbon tax. Higher resistance to intertemporal substitution … alone has the same effect as increasing the discount rate, provided that the risk is not too large. We discuss implications …
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theory assumes that return shocks can be caused by changes in conditional volatility through a time-varying risk premium. On … between implied and realized volatilities (the variance risk premium) and we find that a positive variance risk premium (an … anticipated increase in variance) has more impact on returns than a negative variance risk premium. …
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specification. We contrast it with an arbitrage-free model, where prices of risk are estimated freely without preference constraints …
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Equity risk measured by beta is of great interest to both academics and practitioners. Existing estimates of beta use …
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Dans cet article, nous proposons des tests sur la forme de la distribution des erreurs dans un modèle de régression linéaire multivarié (RLM). Les tests que nous développons sont fonction des résidus obtenus par moindres carrés multivariés, lesquels sont standardisés de façon à ce que...
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