Showing 1 - 10 of 28
Nous proposons une revue de la littérature récente centrée sur les effets de l'ambiguïté (ou incertitude non probabilisée) sur les comportements des acteurs sur les marchés financiers et sur le fonctionnement de ces derniers. Nous exposons les mécanismes théoriques de choix de...
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The paper aims to present the insurance linked securities market behaviour, that has changed a lot the past three years, both in terms of structure and in terms of ceded risks. After having introduced some stylized facts characterizing the insurance linked securities we capture their market...
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Securities markets theory includes repo and distinguishes shorting from issuing. Here we revisit whether trading alone can give rise to Ponzi schemes and rational bubbles. We show that under the same institutional arrangements that limit re-hypothecation (e.g., through segregated haircut rules...
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By Covered Interest rate Parity (CIP), the FX swap implied currency interest rates should coincide with actual interest rates. When a difference occurs, the residual is referred to as the cross currency basis. We link the Euro-Dollar currency basis (e.g. in 2008) to shadow prices of dollar...
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This paper assesses the quantitative impact of ambiguity on the historically observed financial asset returns and prices. The single agent, in a dynamic exchange economy, treats uncertainty about the conditional mean of the probability distribution on consumption and dividends in the next period...
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This article proposes a non-parametric portfolio selection criterion for the static asset allocation problem in a robust higher-moment framework. Adopting the Shortage Function approach, we generalize the multi-objective optimization technique in a four-dimensional space using L-moments, and...
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La Vallée (1968), in the expected utility model, gives a sufficient condition for positivity of the bid-selling spread. In this article, we show that this sufficient condition, namely decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA) is in fact necessary. Moreover, we prove that the expected utility...
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This paper focuses on the study of decision making under risk. We first recall some model-free definitions of risl aversion and increase in risk. We propose a new form of behavior under risk that we call anti-monotone risk aversion (hererafter referred to as ARA) related to the concept of...
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For many assets and liabilities there exist deep and liquid markets so that the market value are reasily observed. However, for non-hedgeable risks, the market value of liabilities must be estimated. The Draft Solvency II Directive suggests in article 75 that the valuation of technical...
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In the aftermath of the recent bank-centered financial crisis it is still unclear how much of the decline in non-financial firms' stock prices was due to liquidity shortage, and how much of this decline was due to lower expected consumer demand. The stock returns are examined over nine periods...
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