Showing 1 - 10 of 26
We establish necessary conditions of optimality for problems of optimal control Theory in the discrete time framework with infinite horizon. Our necessary conditions are in the form of Pontryagin principles. We treat smooth and partially nonsmooth settings, without concavity. A strong motivation...
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L'ambition de ce travail est d'evaluer quantitativement la capacite de l'epargne de precaution a s'assurer contre le risque de chomage dans le cadre d'une economie caracterisee par des risques idiosyncratiques se traduisa nt par une heterogeneite sur le marche du travail. Il apparaît que...
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La conjoncture historique actuelle est marquee par le rôle de plus en plus central de la connaissance dans l'organisation de la production et la dynamique du progres technique. Cette evolution souleve plusieurs interrogati ons theoriques, en particulier celle de comprendre si la diffusion et le...
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Cet article propose une evaluation critique de ce que le courant néoclassique appelle la "nouvelle theorie" de la croissance. Il analyse ce qu'est la "croissance endogene", en presentant, dans une premiere partie, les origines, mecanismes et catégories de modèles à progres technique...
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In a multiperiod economy with incomplete markets and assets that exhibit a payoff depending on price history, we show that one need not perturb back office and settlement feature of assets to get endowment generic existence of an equilibrium. We exhibit a class of assets -transverse assets - and...
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In the case of an economy with production, we unify McKenzie-Debreu's and Arrow-Hahn's concepts of irreductibility by a generalization of the Bergstrom-irreductibility. This, together with existence of a quasi-equilibrium, will be shown to imply existence of a Walras equilibrium.
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The core of an economy consists of those states of the economy which no group of agents (coalition) can "improve upon". A coalition can improve upon a state of the economy if, by using the means available to that group, each member can be made better off. This paper presents the notion of the...
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The general purpose of this paper is to prove quasiequilibrium existence theorems for production economies with general consumption sets in an infinite dimensional commodity space, without assuming any monotonicity of preferences or free-disposal in production.
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Apres un rappel synthetique des differents concepts d'exogeneite dans les cadres stationnaire et non stationnaire (predetermination, exogeneite stricte, exogeneite faible, exogeneite forte, super exogeneite, exogeneite de cointegration), nous examinons les conditions d'exogeneite faible...
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The purpose of this paper is to extend Himmelberg's fixed point theorem replacing the usual convexity in topological vector spaces by an abstract topological notion of convexity which generalizes classical convexity as well as several metric convexity structures found in the literature. We prove...
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