Showing 1 - 10 of 29
Notre premier propos, theorique, est d'elaborer une regle de classification en intrants et en extrants des differents arguments de la fonction de profit bancaire. Nous l'utilisons ensuite dans notre etude empirique de 38 banques francaises de reseau.
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On enregistre depuis plusieurs annees une tres forte progression du recours a la sous-traitance. Il a donc paru opportun de proposer une analyse empirique des strategies de recours a la sous-traitance au regard de la relation impot-emploi.
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New economic geography models predict migration flows from peripheral regions toward central ones. Agglomeration occurs in these models because firms, which tend to locate in large demand regions, and workers, who look for high real wages, are driven by the same force defined by the market...
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This paper studies the aggregate implications of microeconomic investment irreversibility and idiosyncratic uncertainty. We explore the ability of irreversibility to endogenously generate differences in firms sizes.
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We consider a general equilibrium model with a production sector. The consumption sets, the preferences of the consumers and the production possibilities are represented by set-valued mappings to take into account the possibility of external effects. There are no convexity assumptions on the...
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Cet article etudie l'impact du pouvoir de marche des entreprises sur le taux de chomage d'equilibre. La premiere partie expose les fondements microeconomiques du pouvoir de marche des entreprises, dans une perspective a la fois empirique et theorique. La deuxieme partie montre que les modeles...
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The main objective of this paper is to analyze the links between product market competition, innovation and growth. We capture the idea that firms innovate in order to try to escape - albeit temporarily - from the pressure of competition exerted on them by their rivals. At each date, an industry...
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We consider a financial market consisting of a nonrisky asset and a risky one. We study the minimal initial capital needed in order to super-replicate a given contingent claim under the Gamma constraint, i.e. a constraint on the unbounded variation part of the hedging porfolio. In the general...
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In a first time we draw a rough shape of a general formal framework for polynomial approximation theory which encompasses the existing one by allowing the expression of new types of results. We show how this framework incorporates all the existing approximation results and, moreover, how new...
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We establish necessary conditions of optimality for problems of optimal control Theory in the discrete time framework with infinite horizon. Our necessary conditions are in the form of Pontryagin principles. We treat smooth and partially nonsmooth settings, without concavity. A strong motivation...
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