Showing 1 - 10 of 17
The purpose of this paper is to study how the equilibrium prices and allocations in a linear exchange economy vary with respect to the intial endowments and utility vectors. We characterize an open dense subject of full measure of the initial endowment and utility vector space on which the...
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La theorie des cycles reels a pris le contre-pied de la macroeconomie keynisienne traditionnelle. Les fluctuations de l'emploi et du salaire reel pourraient etre le resultat d'un ajustement de l'offre de travail grace a une parfaite flexibilite du salaire aux variations de la demande de travail...
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We study a general equilibrium model with micro-economic risk in which agents maximize an rand-dependent-expected-utility. Financial markets are complete. Under the assumption of weak risk aversion, all agents are prefectly insured at equilibrium. If, furthermore, agents are strongly risk...
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Nous nous inscrivons dans le cadre theorique d'un modele d'equilibre general intertemporel stochastique purement reel a deux pays pour analyser la dynamique des taux de chomage nationaux suite a l'occurrence de chocs asymetriques. Il s'agit en cela d'un modele non-walrasien dans lequel le...
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In this paper, we prove the existence of equilibria when we consider a model with infinitely many commodities and when producers have increasing returns to scale or more general types of non-convexities.
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Cet article se propose d'etudier les proprietes d'un modele d'equilibre general en presence de risque purement microeconomique lorsque les agents se comportent selon le modele d'utilite esperee au sens de Choquet (Choquet Expected Utility), ie., ils maximisent une esperance non-additive d'utilite.
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Depuis l'article de Guesnerie (1975), de nombreuses recherches ont ete faites dans le cadre de la theorie de l'equilibre general en economie lorsque le secteur productif presente des rendements croissants ou plus generalement des ensembles de production non convexes. Dans cet article, nous nous...
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In this paper, it is proved that in the case of pure exchange economy, the oligopoly equilibrium leads to the competitive equilibrium when the economy is replicated an infinite number of times.
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This paper studies the aggregate implications of microeconomic investment irreversibility and idiosyncratic uncertainty. We explore the ability of irreversibility to endogenously generate differences in firms sizes.
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The purpose of this paper is to study how the equilibrium, in a linear exchange equilibrium varies, with respect to the initial endowments and the utility vectors.
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