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This paper examines the consequences of (S,s) pricing rules in a dynamic economy with heterogeneous costs of price adjustment. We construct the stationary distributions for aggregate output and prices for our model economy. As a result of our assumption of heterogeneous costs we find that: (i)...
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A key argument in Caplin and Leahy (1997) states that the correlation between monetary shocks and output is falling in the variance of the money supply. We demonstrate that this conclusion depends on solving for the correlation in the non-stationary state of the model. In the stationary state,...
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We study the impact of two-sided nominal shocks in a simple dynamic, general equilibrium (S,s)-pricing macroeconomic model comprised of heterogeneous sectors. The simple model we develop has a number of appealing empirical implications; it captures why some sectors of the economy have...
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This paper examines the consequences of introducing firm specific capital into a selection of commonly used sticky price business cycle models. We find that modelling firm-specific capital markets greatly reduces the response of inflation to changes in average real marginal cost. Calibrated to...
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The aim of the present paper is to analyze the link between price rigidity and indeterminacy. This is done within a cash-in-advance economy from which we know that it exhibits indeterminacy at high degrees of relative risk aversion. I find that price stickiness reduces the scope of these sunspot...
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Much of the literature on optimal monetary policy uses models in which the degree of nominal price flexibility is exogenous. There are, however, good reasons to suppose that the degree of price flexibility adjusts endogenously to changes in monetary conditions. This paper extends the standard...
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When the monetary authority controls the short-term interest rate we find that under a regime of permanent (and even persistent but temporary) deficits that a strict upper bound on the feasible interest rate sequence is present. More generally, the satisfaction of the fiscal authority’s...
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We study a credible Markov-perfect monetary policy in an open New Keynesian economy with incomplete finacial markets. We demonstrate the existence of two discretionary equilibria. Following a shock the economy can be stabilised either 'quickly' or 'slow', both dynamic paths satisfy conditions of...
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We consider “robust stability†of a rational expectations equilibrium, which we define as stability under discounted (constant gain) least-squares learning, for a range of gain parameters. We find that for operational forms of policy rules, i.e. rules that do not depend on...
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Expectations about the future are central for determination of current macroeconomic outcomes and the formulation of monetary policy. Recent literature has explored ways for supplementing the benchmark of rational expectations with explicit models of expectations formation that rely on...
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