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In a costly state verification model under commitment the principal may acquire a costly public and imperfectly revealing signal before or after contracting. If the project remains profitable after all signal realisations, optimally the signal is collected, if at all, after contracting, and it...
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Managers with anticipatory emotions have higher current utility if they are optimistic about the future. We study an employment contract between an (endogenously) optimistic manager and realistic investors. The manager faces a trade-off between ensuring that the chosen levels of effort reflect...
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This paper introduces time inconsistent preferences into a moral hazard setting where the agent is risk-averse. We …. Finally, we show that in a setting with a risk-neutral agent and limited liability everything is as if the principal faces a …
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50+, in eight European countries. I first test whether, conditional on health insurance companies' risk assessments …, individuals have residual private information on insurance determinants other than their risk type. My results show that there are … health information is an important determinant of the decision to buy private hospital health insurance for individuals aged …
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induce a positive interim emotional effect. We show that it may be impossible to achieve the first-best, even though the risk …
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Motivated by the recent experimental evidence on altruistic behavior, we study a simple principal-agent model where each player cares about other players’ utility, and may reciprocate their attitude towards him. We show that, relative to the selfish benchmark, efficiency improves when players...
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This paper studies how incentives are affected by intention-based reciprocity preferences when the principal hires many agents. Our results describe the agents' psychological attitudes required to sustain a given strategy profile. We also show that hiring reciprocal agents to implement a first...
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regulations, alter financial institutions’ trading behavior. The insurance industry provides a natural laboratory to explore these …
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This paper considers a network industry characterized by an upstream natural monopoly with cost uncertainty, regulated through an access price mechanism, and an unregulated downstream market with Cournot competition. The upstream monopolist can acquire information on the upstream cost while the...
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In this paper we study the delegation of monetary policy to independent central bankers in a two country world with monetary spill-overs. The paper shows that under imperfect commitment and private information of the Central Bankers about their objectives the optimal degree of commitment depends...
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