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Two conversion schemes are usually employed for assessing personal-income inequality from household equivalent incomes … country inequality rankings to conversion schemes and explain the finding by means of inequality decomposition. A bootstrap …
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We provide an analytical framework within which changes in income inequality over time are related to the pattern of … income inequality grew substantially), and also for income growth to have been pro-poor. Income growth was also pro-poor in … Western Germany, more so than in the USA, and inequality did not rise as much. …
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We propose a new method of testing stochastic dominance which improves onexisting tests based on bootstrap or subsampling. Our test requires estimation ofthe contact sets between the marginal distributions. Our tests have asymptoticsizes that are exactly equal to the nominal level uniformly over...
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In a number of semiparametric models, smoothing seems necessary in order to obtain estimates of the parametric component which are asymptotically normal and converge at parametric rate. However, smoothing can inflate the error in the normal approximation, so that refined approximations are of...
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Nonparametric efficiency analysis has become a widely applied technique to support industrial benchmarking as well as a variety of incentive- based regulation policies. In practice such exercises are often plagued by incomplete knowledge about the correct specifications of inputs and outputs....
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This paper studies robustness of bootstrap inference methods for instrumental variable (IV)regression models. We consider test statistics for parameter hypotheses based on the IV estimatorand generalized method of trimmed moments (GMTM) estimator introduced by Cížek (2008, 2009),and compare...
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We re-examine some of the standard axioms used in the literature on Poverty Measurement. Using a sample of 486 students from Australia, Israel and the USA we investigate the extent to which perceptions of poverty correspond to the axioms.
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This article provides a brief overview of the key issues in inequality measurement andhas been prepared for inclusion …
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flavours include inequality, risk, social welfare and justice. The issue of personal involvement in the distributional …
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distribution. We show that inequality changed dramatically during the decade, along with modest changes in average income. Applying …
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