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This paper develops a tractable real options framework to analyze the eects of asym-metric information on investment and nancing decisions when rms require externalfunds to nance investment. Our analysis shows that corporate insiders can signal theirprivate information to outside investors using...
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Theoretical models predict that the value of a real option should be increasing in the volatility ofthe underlying asset. Thus, if real options are economically important, then firm values should bepositively related to volatility. Consistent with this prediction, we find evidence that stock...
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finanztheoretische Sicht der Unternehmensbewertung vergleichend gegenüber. Beide Perspektiven dienen jeweils schwerpunktmäßig … Oberbegriff der finanzwirtschaftlichen Unternehmensbewertung zusammengeführt. Die 4., vollständig überarbeite und erweiterte …
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We build a general model for pricing defaultable claims. In addition to the usual ab-sence of arbitrage assumption, we assume that one defaultable asset (at least) looses value when thedefault occurs. We prove that under this assumption, in some standard market ltrations, defaulttimes are...
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Using an options-based approach, we compute the value of the state guaranteefor the liability side of CS and UBS. The insurance premiums forthese two system-relevant banks are calculated in a dynamic setup from2004 until 2009 in quarterly steps for time horizons of one and five years.The model...
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