Showing 1 - 10 of 44
The extinction of polar bears by the end of the 21st century has been predicted and calls have been made to list them as a threatened species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The decision on whether or not to list rests upon forecasts of what will happen to the bears over the 21st Century....
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The paper introduces the subject of terrorism and counterterrorism by means of a two-person bimatrix game that provides some insight into the behavior of the two players. We then examine three important areas in counterterrorism tasks: the detection of terrorist cells and how to render them...
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In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Working Group One, a panel of experts established by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, issued its Fourth Assessment Report. The Report included predictions of dramatic increases in...
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The problem of endowing preferences with manifold structures emerged from discussions with Gerard Debreu in 1975 . Time has shown that such structures can be useful in understanding the behavior of economic systems . In Chichilnisky (1976) spaces of smooth preferences were endowed with a Hilbert...
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Dans ce document, on etudie l'evolution de la structure industrielle du secteur canadien de la transformation des aliments et le lien entre cette evolution et le changement technologique. On utilise egalement les donnees d'une enquete speciale menee en 1998 sur l'utilisation de la technologie de...
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Ce document comprend un examen des facteurs qui sous-tendent l'echec d'une entreprise ainsi qu'une comparaison des mecanismes qui menent a la faillite des jeunes entreprises et des plus anciennes. Il donne a penser qu'il existe des differences systematiques entre les determinants des faillites...
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L'analyse de donnees administratives devenues disponibles recemment dans un certain nombre de pays a mene a la conclusion qu'une etude minutieuse de l'interaction entre les caracteristiques de l'employeur et celles des employes est necessaire pour bien interpreter les resultats observes sur le...
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Les economistes du travail ont elabore des modeles theoriques complexes et mene des analyses econometriques tres avancees pour analyser le processus de prise de decisions par les menages. Toutefois, a cet accent mis sur l'element offre du marche du travail n'ont pas correspondu des analyses...
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Using a comprehensive micro-database of Canadian firms in conjunction with industry-level data on commodity flows, we develop a profile of corporate diversification within the Canadian economy. Our analysis has two major objectives. First, we decompose corporate diversification into horizontal...
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