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An optimizingmodel, with a flexible-price sector and a sticky-price sector, ispresented to analyze the effects of relative-price changes on inflation fluctuations. Therelative price of the flexible-price good represents a shift parameter of the NewKeynesian Phillips curve. The optimal monetary...
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This paper studies an advantage of commitment over discretion when a central bankobserves only noisy measures of current inflation and output, in the context of an optimizingmodel with nominal-price stickiness. Under a commitment regime, if current policy turns outto be too expansionary...
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The objective of this paper is to analyze the effects of alternative monetary rules on realexchange rate persistence. Using a two-country stochastic dynamic general equilibrium withnominal price stickiness and local currency pricing, we will show how the persistence ofpurchasing power parity...
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This study analyzes a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model with nominal rigidities,monopolistic competition and producer currency pricing. A quadratic approximation to the utility ofthe consumers is derived and assumed as the policy objective function of the policymakers.It is shown...
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We propose a theory of exchange rate determination under interestrate rules in a two-country model. We first show that simpleinterest rate feedback rules can determine a unique and stableequilibrium without any explicit reaction to the nominal exchangerate.We characterize how the behavior of the...
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We describe a behavior of a central bank when its measures of current inflation and outputare subject to measurement errors, in a framework of optimizing models with nominal pricestickiness. In our model, a central bank sets the interest rate equal to its current estimate of theso-called...
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This paper considers the determination of aggregate price level under dispersed information.A Central Bank sets policy in response to its noisy measure of the price level, andeach agent makes its decisions by observing a subset of data. Information revealed to theagents and the bank is...
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We consider a linear growth model with idiosyncratic productivity shocks in whichproducers cannot commit to repay their loans. Borrowing constraints are determinedendogenously by the borrowers’ incentives to repay, assuming that defaulters lose a shareof output and are excluded from future...
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This paper presents a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model with imperfectcompetition and nominal price rigidities in which productivity shocks coexist withmarkup shocks. After analyzing the features of the optimal cooperative solution, we showthat this allocation can be implemented in a...
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We study identification in a class of linear rational expectations models. For any givenexactly identified model, we provide an algorithm that generates a class of equivalentmodels that have the same reduced form. We use our algorithm to show that a modelproposed by Jess Benhabib and Roger...
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