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directions since then: Italy privatized its publicly-owned banks while Germany has maintained a large share of state …
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We analyse the adjustment of retail and services prices in a period of low inflation, using a set of individual price data from the German Consumer Price Index which covers the years 1998 to 2003. We strong find evidence of time- and state-dependent price adjustment. Most importantly, the...
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Most bank efficiency studies that use stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) employ each bank's own implicit input price when estimating efficient frontiers. But the theoretical foundation of most studies is a cost minimisation and/ or profit maximisation problem assuming perfect input markets. At...
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We investigate the consistency of efficiency scores derived with two competing frontier methods in the financial economics literature: Stochastic Frontier and Data Envelopment Analysis. We sample 34,192 observations for all German universal banks and analyze whether efficiency measures yield...
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also discussed in relevant literature. The natural estimation method seems to be Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation because … estimation approaches for both the half-normal and the exponential approach to inefficiency. Based on the simulation results we … obtain decision rules for the choice of the superior estimation approach. Both estimation methods, ML and MOM, are applied to …
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the majority in Germany. One of the key variables when using balance sheet data, which has attracted much detailed … by Gilchrist and Himmelberg. We compare the results from two different estimation techniques for dynamic investment … börsennotierte Unternehmen, die in Deutschland eindeutig dominieren. Eine zentrale Größe der Analyse des Investitionsverhaltens auf …
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roughly 75% of the total turnover of the west German manufacturing sector. The sample used for estimation contains 6,745 firms …
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This paper tests some of the predictions of recent advances in trade theory that have focused on different trade patterns of firms within the same sector. Helpman, Melitz and Yeaple (2005) develop a model in which innate productivity differences between firms determine the degree of...
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This paper attempts to evaluate the macroeconomic impact of venture capital (VC). We test the assumption that VC is similar in several respects to business R&D performed by large firms and therefore contributes to economic growth through two main channels: innovation and absorptive capacity. The...
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adjustment takes place. A set of moment conditions for the use in GMM estimation is developed, to cope with the problem of time …
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