Showing 1 - 10 of 47
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Polen und Deutschland auf die durch das CO2-Preissignal induzierte Emissionsreduktion im Stromsektor aus? Basierend auf …
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The future shape of European trade policy and the right stance to take in security and climate matters are currently the subject of fierce Franco-German debate. These issues are also relevant to development policy in the context of the overarching 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Despite...
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"The fourth Factor X publication from the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA), Sustainable Development and Resource Productivity: The Nexus Approaches explores the interdependencies of sustainable development paths and associated resource requirements, describing and analysing the...
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aktuell zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich heftig umstritten. Diese Themen berühren im Rahmen der ganzheitlichen Agenda 2030 … Ansätze zu verfolgen, kooperieren Deutschland und Frankreich häufig eher ad hoc als strategiegeleitet (Krüger & Vaillé, 2019 … Deutschland und Frankreich es schaffen bestehende Differenzen zu überwinden, bieten sich Potenziale, andere Geber, insbesondere EU …
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On 22 January 2019, France and Germany signed the Aachen Treaty. Therein, 56 years after the Elysée Treaty, re-emphasising their support for multilateralism, sustainable development and development cooperation. Despite the ambitions expressed in this document, the signing of the Treaty calls...
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Am 22. Januar 2019 unterzeichneten Frankreich und Deutschland den Vertrag von Aachen. 56 Jahre nach dem Elysée … Deutschland auf der politischen und Projektebene ist einzigartig in einem internationalen Kontext, in dem sich Akteure mehr und …
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On 22 January 2019, France and Germany signed the Treaty of Aachen, which – among other things – foresees a stronger coordination and cooperation in the field of development policy. Against the backdrop of the Agenda 2030, the need for collective action has rarely been higher. Yet, although...
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Earmarking financial contributions for specific geographic, thematic or other priorities has emerged as an important modality for funding multilateral development organisations. Earmarking has had positive consequences, such as the mobilisation of resources for multilateral organisations and new...
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