Showing 1 - 10 of 94
This paper is a contribution to United Nation (UN)-led efforts to articulate a post-2015 development framework, building on the Millennium Declaration and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It focuses on the challenge of financing development goals and complements the extensive work conducted...
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With its unique multilateral assets, the United Nations Development System (UNDS) should be playing a key role in assisting governments and other stakeholders with their implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But this requires change. Despite improvements in recent...
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Development assistance often fails to achieve institutional change because of a limited consideration of the political nature of these reforms and the local context. In response, political and adaptive development assistance (PADA) approaches, such as “Thinking and Working Politically” (TWP)...
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German municipalities are getting increasingly involved in development policy work in Germany and abroad, with the nature of that involvement becoming ever more diverse. However, very little is known about the background or the type of these activities. Against this backdrop, the German...
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With inequality reduction now being officially and broadly recognised as a key development objective with its own Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 10), there is a need for simple, economical and quick methodologies with which to focus on this area and assess progress. This paper presents such a...
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Does aid contribute to development? If so, under what conditions and to what extent? These questions are as old as the field of development policy itself and they have been controversially discussed among researchers and policymakers ever since. Yet, two main trends put questions related to aid...
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Multilateral cooperation means that states can collectively achieve more than they can through individual and bilateral efforts alone. Multilateral organisations are important instruments for this: they have a greater geographic and thematic reach, operate at a larger scale and stand for...
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Zunehmend und auf vielfältige Art und Weise zeigen deutsche Kommunen im In- und Ausland entwicklungspolitisches Engagement. Über die Hintergründe und Ausgestaltung ihres Engagements aber ist sehr wenig bekannt. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat das Deutsche Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)...
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Die Beziehungen zwischen den Staaten und Gesellschaften des Nahen Ostens und Nordafrikas (MENA) befinden sich auch fast ein Jahrzehnt nach den Aufständen von 2011 noch im Wandel. Die Revolten drückten eine weit verbreitete Ablehnung der damaligen Gesellschaftsverträge aus. Diese basierten auf...
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Dreieckskooperation (DEK) gibt es als Kooperationsmechanismus seit etwa 40 Jahren. Die erste implizite Erwähnung fand sie 1978 im Aktionsplan der Vereinten Nationen zur Förderung und Umsetzung der technischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Entwicklungsländern, dem Aktionsplan von Buenos Aires...
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