Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Das Forschungsvorhaben ”Evaluation and development of recommendations on the CDM EB’s Sustainable Development Tool including the sustainability requirements of other flexible mechanisms‛ hat zum Ziel, mögliche Unzulänglichkeiten des CDM SD Tools zu identifizieren, und strukturierte...
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In Deutschland wurden die Emissionsberechtigungen (EB, EUA) für die erste Handels-periode (HP 1) 2005-2007 vollständig gratis zugeteilt. In HP 2 (2008-2012) werden jährlich 40 Millionen Emissionsberechtigungen veräußert (§ 19 ZuG 2012). Nachdem die EB anfänglich durch die...
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The effectiveness of an emissions trading system in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is mainly due to the magnitude of the specified emission cap. Assuming sufficient control, a quantitative emission target defined in such a way is quasi automatically achieved by the limited allocation...
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This report assesses options for the effective implementation of sustainable development impact assessment, in the context of climate change mitigation mechanisms such as those of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Existing carbon crediting programmes were analysed to draw insights on the best...
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Air transport is a sector with particularly dynamic emissions growth. The European Union has led the way in climate protection and included aviation in the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) in 2012. To support the international process for a global market-based measure to limit...
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Artikel 6 des Pariser Abkommens legt drei Ansätze fest, nach denen die Vertragsparteien bei der Erreichung ihrer national festgelegten Beiträge (NDCs) zusammenarbeiten. Einer dieser Ansätze ist ein neuer Mechanismus gemäß Artikel 6.4, der zur Minderung der Treibhausgasemissionen und zur...
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This report analyses the influence of the Cap and Trade (CaT) system and the electricity market in California along two main questions: How do CaT design features affect the environmental effectiveness of the system and the quality of the carbon price signal? How do electricity market design...
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