Showing 1 - 10 of 22
Employment rates and earnings among single mothers improved significantly after 1980, and by 2000, low-income rates reached new historic lows. Unlike married mothers, most of the gains among lone mothers were the result of the dynamics of population change and cohort replacement as the large and...
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Using a dataset which combines the 1982-1997 tax records and administrative records of British Columbia bachelor's graduates from the classes of 1974-1996, this study examine the real annual earnings of graduates across 20 major fields of study for significant changes in earnings across cohorts....
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also find that, during the 1980s, the expected weekly wages associated with all levels of education fell for younger …, experienced mixed results. Expected weekly wages rose for some older workers and fell for some others. …
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This paper reports the results of an empirical analysis of the early career outcomes of recent Canadian Bachelor's level graduates by discipline based on three waves of the National Graduates Surveys, which comprise large, representative databases of individuals who successfully completed their...
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changing demand for high-skilled workers by comparing relative wages of university graduates holding degrees in "applied …
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A l'aide d'un ensemble de donnees qui combine les dossiers fiscaux de 1982 a 1997 et les dossiers administratifs des diplomes au niveau du baccalaureat de Colombie Britannique des annees de promotion comprises entre 1974 et 1996, nous examinons dans la presente etude les gains d'emploi annuels...
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L'etude etablit une comparaison entre les gains des femmes et des hommes sur un plan d'egalite. Elle s'adresse aux recents diplomes des etablissements postsecondaires et utilise les donnees d'enquete qui portent sur un certain nombre de caracteristiques liees aux gains. Les donnees couvrent...
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A l'aide d'une methode de decomposition par regression, on constate que, pendant les annees 80, la croissance du niveau de scolarite relatif des travailleurs ages a compte pour environ 25 % de l'elargissement de l'ecart salarial selon l'age entre les hommes et les femmes. Au cours des annees 90,...
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This study attempts to compare the earnings of men and women on an equal footing by concentrating on recent postsecondary graduates and using survey data on a number of earnings-related characteristics. The data cover three graduating classes of university and community college students: 1982,...
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Ce document presente les resultats d'une analyse empirique des premiers resultats professionnels des bacheliers recents au Canada selon les disciplines et pour les trois cycles de l'Enquete nationale aupres des diplomes avec leur riche fonds d'information decrivant les gens qui ont acheve leurs...
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