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taxes is to contain price rise and volatility, to generate revenue, and to increase transparency, these arguments are …, volatility and transaction cost using a three-equation structural model for five top selected commodities namely Gold, Copper … cost and liquidity, and a positive relationship between transaction cost and volatility. Therefore, if the government …
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. Nikkei 225 futures transactions were blamed for lowering stock prices in Japan, thereby increasing stock price volatility … Social Research Institute of the Cabinet Office of the government of Japan. To focus on structural change in recent years … effect of Nikkei 225 futures transactions on stock price fluctuations and business fluctuations in Japan. More concretely, an …
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observations. In the first stage we make use of the feasible central limit theory for realized volatility, as developed in Jacod …
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This paper explores the impacts of exchange rate on trade between Japan and China, with special attention to ….S. dollar for several years, it has been fluctuating against the Japanese yen, which provides us with a natural experiment to … test the exchange rate effect. We find that exchange rate changes and volatility have little influence on trade volume in …
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The information and communication technology (ICT) revolution of the past 3 decades has transformed the world into an …
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The information and communication technology (ICT) revolution of the past 3 decades has transformed the world into an …
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, and yen separately have on movements of Asian currencies. Contrary to recent evidence based on daily data, we found … than by the yuan or the yen individually within the sample period we used. To the extent that exchange rates in the region …
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, and yen separately have on movements of Asian currencies. Contrary to recent evidence based on daily data, we found … than by the yuan or the yen individually within the sample period we used. To the extent that exchange rates in the region …
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This paper examines how an appreciation of the currency of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)—renminbi—affects the country’s exports in the context of production fragmentation, using a panel data set of the PRC’s trade for 1992/93–2008/09. It...
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Several recent empirical and theoretical studies have revived interest in the relationship between the level of the exchange rate and economic development. This paper develops a dynamic model based on the Ricardian framework with a continuum of goods to consider the issue from a somewhat...
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