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consumption and investment expenditures, as well as their broadly defined components, are examined. We also test for effects of … money on long run reallocations of consumption expenditures among durables, nondurables, and services. The time series …This paper tests for long run effects of money on real expenditures in the U.S. over the 1959-2002 period. Real …
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are found not to equal zero and this in turns affects all estimates of consumption, labor supply and saving elasticities. … profit function rationalizing consumption, labor supply and savings is specified, estimated and used to test commonly … maintained separability hypotheses. Both consumption- labor and time separability are rejected. Cross-price Frisch elasticities …
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are found not to equal zero and this in turns affects all estimates of consumption, labor supply and saving elasticities … profit function rationalizing consumption, labor supply and savings is specified, estimated and used to test commonly … maintained separability hypotheses. Both consumption- labor and time separability are rejected. Cross-price Frisch elasticities …
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responds positively to surprises in labor productivity growth. However, we do not reject the hypothesis that the real long …
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We examine the role of money, allowing for three competing environments: the New Keynesian model with separable utility … and static money demand; a non-separable utility variant with habit formation; and a version with adjustment costs for … holding real balances. The last two variants imply forward-looking behavior of real money balances, as it is optimal for …
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„h Australia¡¦s surge in productivity growth in the 1990s fuelled an acceleration in growth in total income and average income (income per person in Australia). ¡V Annual average income growth accelerated from 1.4 per cent in the 1970s and 1980s to 2.5 per cent in the 1990s. ¡V Faster...
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. Then we study the impact of changes in exogenous variables on consumption, growth, and welfare. Next, we show that … consumption-wealth ratio and welfare should be higher in an open economy than in a closed economy. We discuss whether open …
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that in a habit formation model, the sensitivity of consumption to predicted income can be largely reinterpreted as a … sluggish response to news. Moreover, the sensitivity of consumption to sentiment reflects the serial correlation in consumption …
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