Showing 1 - 10 of 16
A food demand system is proposed, based on demand for energy, variety, and tastes of foods. By specifying utility as an explicit function of these characteristics, the entire matrix of demand elasticities can be derived for n foods and one nonfood from prior specification of just four...
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Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are used widely in policy analysis. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to and facilitate the use of CGE models. The paper includes a detailed presentation of a “standard” CGE model (an equation-by-equation description) and its required...
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Using a CGE (computable general equilibrium) model for Zimbabwe with 1991 as base period, this paper examines quantitatively the income and equity effects of macroeconomic reform measures in isolation and in conjunction with potentially complementary changes in agricultural sector policies. Some...
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The outline of a proposed new unbalanced bidding model is discussed. Background is provided as regards the role of item price loading, otherwise known as unbalanced bidding. Three types of loading are described, namely those of ‘front-end loading’, ‘back-end loading’ and ‘quantity...
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L'observation statistique selon laquelle les petites entreprises ont cree la majorite des nouveaux emplois au cours des annees 1980 a eu une incidence enorme sur la politique officielle. Les gouvernements desireux de favoriser la croissance de l'emploi se sont tournes vers le secteur des petites...
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The statistical observation that small firms have created the majority of new jobs during the 1980s has had a tremendous influence on public policy. Governmentshave looked to the small firm sector for employment growth, and have promoted policies to augment this expansion. However, recent...
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Le present document decrit les constatations tirees d'un programme de recherche visant a souligner l'importance des competences qui decoulent des investissements dans l'actif incorporel pour le processus de croissance des entreprises. Le programme comportait deux parties. Premierement, des bases...
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Le vieillissement de la population canadienne est un phenomene largement admis et qui beneficie d'une enorme attention de la part des chercheurs etudiant les politiques, dans les domaines de la sante et des pensions de l'Etat en particulier. Tres peu de travaux d'etude ont ete jusqu'ici axes sur...
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A l'aide d'un echantillon national representatif d'etablissements, nous avons cherche a determiner si l'adoption de certaines pratiques de travail equivalentes (PTE) a tendance a reduire le taux de demissions. Dans l'ensemble, notre analyse fournit des preuves solides d'une association negative...
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Using a nationally representative sample of establishments, we have examined whether selected alternative work practices (AWPs) tend to reduce quit rates. Overall, our analysis provides strong evidence of a negative association between these AWPs and quit rates among establishments of more than...
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