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competition. Where firms have some market power, as in the market for information goods, we expect discriminatory pricing to … become the norm. Apart from posted prices, the internet has extended the use of auctions, even to relatively low-value goods … well as economic efficiency, and may emerge as the principal pricing method for a large number of goods and services. …
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This paper presents and interprets descriptive statistics generated from data obtained in a survey of clients of five microfinance organizations believed to be among the best in Bolivia. These lenders represent different combinations of organizational design, lending technology, and market area...
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We show that returns policies do increase manufacturer profitability by attenuating price competition between retailers. This effect holds only in the presence of end-user demand uncertainty. The conditions under which a returns policy raises the manufacturer's profit are weaker when retailing...
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determined. Generally, customer acquisition is deterministic while pricing is randomized. The equilibrium outcome depends on the … timing of customer acquisition relative to pricing. If sellers acquire customers before setting prices, the unique …
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Research highlight based on a paper titled “Groundwater markets promoting efficiency in water use in agriculture in Karnataka.”
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