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We give the reader a tour of good energy optimization models that explicitly deal with uncertainty. The uncertainty …
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This paper analyzes the impact of different types of barriers on the decision to invest using a simple framework based on stochastic discount factors. Our intuitive approach proposes an alternative to the real options methodology that does not rely on the “smooth-pasting condition.” An...
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periodically but make consumption decisions on a more frequent basis. The model incorporates price uncertainty and imperfect credit …
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oriented and voters' utilities are state dependent, the model shows that if there is uncertainty about the true state of the …
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issues of time and uncertainty in economics. The source of the difference between their economic ideas was the difference …
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We note the empirical regularity that market liberalizations cause an initial fall in output, efficiency and value-added. We account for these findings in a model where liberalizations increase systemic risk. We compare it to alternative explanations and discuss implications.
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. Uncertainty on central bank's preferences induces unions to reduce wages but also produces a fully-anticipated expansionary fiscal …
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) uncertainty. In this context, the “symbiosis assumption”, i.e. fiscal and monetary policy share the same ideal targets, no longer …
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Tropical forests are estimated to release approximately 1.7 PgC per year as a result of deforestation. Avoiding tropical deforestation could potentially play a significant role in carbon mitigation over the next 50 years if not longer. Many policymakers and negotiators are skeptical of our...
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Recent empirical results about the US term structure are difficult to reconcile with the classical hypothesis of rational expectations even if time-varying but stationary term premia are allowed for. A hypothesis of rational learning about the conditional variance of the log pricing kernel is...
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