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Recently there has been a growing tendency to impose curvature, but not monotonicity, on specifications of technology. But regularity requires satisfaction of both curvature and monotonicity conditions. Without both satisfied, the second order conditions for optimizing behavior fail and duality...
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In specifications of tastes and technology, econometricians often impose curvature globally, but monotonicity only locally or not at all. In fact monotonicity rarely is even mentioned in that literature. But without satisfaction of both curvature and monotonicity, the second order conditions for...
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velocity instability is induced by overlooked stochastic volatility of interest rates. The paper was presented at the September …
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This is the FINAL draft of this paper reporting the results of a long ongoing competition. The paper now is forthcoming in the Journal of Econometrics. This final version replaces the earlier draft that was also in this archive. Interest has been growing in testing for nonlinearity or chaos in...
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Modern aggregation theory and index number theory were introduced into monetary economics by Barnett (1980). The widely used Divisia monetary aggregates were based upon that paper. A key result upon which the rest of the theory depended was Barnett’s derivation of the user-cost price of...
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We derive fundamental new theory for measuring monetary service flows aggregated over countries within a multicountry economic union. We develop three increasingly restrictive approaches: (1) the heterogeneous agents approach, (2) the multilateral representative agent approach, and (3) the...
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We extend the monetary-asset user-cost risk adjustment of Barnett, Liu, and Jensen (1997) and their risk-adjusted Divisia monetary aggregates to the case of multiple non-monetary assets and intertemporal non- separability. Our model can generate potentially larger and more accurate CCAPM...
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We derive fundamental new theory for measuring monetary service flows aggregated over countries within the European Monetary Union (EMU). We develop three increasingly restrictive approaches: (1) the heterogeneous agents approach, (2) the multilateral representative agent approach, and (3) the...
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This is the front matter from the book, William A. Barnett and Jane Binner (eds.), Functional Structure and Approximation in Econometrics, published in 2004 by Elsevier in its Contributions to Economic Analysis monograph series. The front matter includes the Table of Contents, Volume...
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This paper provides an approach to estimation of taste and technology parameters in the financial sector through Euler equation estimation under exact monetary aggregation conditions. This is the original working paper, which produced the more condensed version published in the November 1995...
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