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We use a set of established growth models, which simultaneously include human capital and R&D, to show that the effect of mortality rate in human capital accumulation is quantitatively more important than the effect of perfectly guaranteed patents on research. First, we show that the effect of...
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incentives effects and recent experiences in Eastern and Central Europe. …
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There has been an increasing awareness within the developed world that the cultural industries may play an important role in economic development. The fact that most of the commercial cultural industries have relatively low distribution costs, and that the gains from the mass production of a...
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Analysis into the sources of lower levels of national productivities between Central East European Economies and the European Union is scarce and lacks comparability. These sources are assessed by analysing the role played by sectoral structures. After providing a brief overview over comparative...
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There are two phenomena widely observed when an economy departs from an underdeveloped state and starts rapid economic growth. One is the shift of production, employment, and consumption from the traditional sector to the modern sector, and the other is a large increase in educational levels of...
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The rural non-farm economy (RNFE) may be defined as comprising all those activities associated with waged work or self-employment in income generating activities (including income in-kind) that are not agricultural but which generate income (including remittances etc.) rural areas. In some...
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The ability to see past and present simultaneously must be of prime importance in any development scenario. This speaks to the essence of the Janus Development Strategy, whose philosophy is outlined below. .......................Janus was represented with two faces, originally one face was...
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This paper carries out an empirical assessment of the relationship between social capital and the quality of economic development in Italy. The analysis draws on a dataset collected by the author including about two hundred variables representing different aspects of economic development and...
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The decision to migrate has received substantial attention from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Underlying most analyses is the desire to understand why individuals relocate within their own country, or more drastically, migrate to another country. While there are numerous reasons...
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This study examines indicators of human capital accumulation together with data for natural resource abundance and rents in a panel of 102 countries running from 1970 to 1999. Mineral wealth makes a positive and marked difference on human capital accumulation. Matching on observables reveals...
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