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This paper examines the forecasting performance of GARCH’s models used with agricultural commodities data. We compare … containing a genuine stock index also. The implied goal is to find out if the GARCH models are more fitted for stock indices than …
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Pakistan. This paper utilizes Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Hetroskedasticity (GARCH) model to estimate volatility in …
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heteroscedasticity (GARCH) measure of real exchange rate volatility, the findings show that exchange rate volatility depresses exports in …
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the GARCH by developed Engle and Bollerslev (1986) and EGARCH by Nelson (1991) methodologies, the paper empirically …
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Volatility of financial markets is an important topic for academics, policy makers and market participants. In this study first I summarized several specifications for the conditional variance and also define some methods for combination of these specifications. Then assuming that the squared...
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different industrial sectors. A competitive partial-equilibrium model with quadratic adjustment costs in investment and a GARCH … model, the GARCH property is inherited by the aggregate investment process in the rational-expectations equilibrium. The … conjectured, GARCH effects play an important role in some sectors but are not significant in others. Astonishingly, the volatility …
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return and volatility equations. When using the GARCH (1,1) specification only for the return equation and the Modified-GARCH …
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Portuguese Stock Index PSI-20. By using simple GARCH, GARCH-M, Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) and Threshold ARCH (TARCH) models, we …
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, there have been no studies which have used the GARCH methodology to study export volatility. This paper fills the void. It …
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This paper is focused on the historical development of selected exchange rates' volatility, that is: AUD, CAD, DEM, DKK, EUR, FRF, GBP, JPY, SEK and CHF against USD. The paper aims to show that relatively large increment of exchange markets' volatility is nothing special in the historical...
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