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and services via Internet. The remote banking becomes one of the main channels for bank services distribution. This paper … services available via Internet; online application forms; online banking application; other online/remote services. In spite … of the small number of Bulgarian banks, which offer their products and services via Internet, the research shows that …
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services via Internet. The remote banking become one of the main channels for bank services distribution. The Internet … expansion of the Bulgarian banks is at its beginning. The showed results are based on the Internet research, which has aimed to … describe actual picture of Bulgarian banks present in Internet. …
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services via Internet. The remote banking become one of the main channels for bank services distribution. The Internet … expansion of the Bulgarian banks is at its beginning. The showed results are based on the Internet research, which has aimed to … describe actual picture of Bulgarian banks present in Internet. …
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We consider non-sealed bid online auctions of common products with quantity uncertainty. Both first-price (also known as pay-as-you-bid) and uniform-price auctions are considered. In these auctions, all bidders have the same valuation of the products but may have different demand quantities. The...
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Internet and the strategies adopted for EC implementation. The results show a low level of implementation of the instrument and … the Internet as promotion tool, while web-based direct selling is confined to market niches. The view that the Internet …
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Bilginin iktisadi açýdan öneminin artmasý, konuyla ilgili olarak yapýlan akademik çalýþmalarýn çoðalmasýna ve ilgi görmesine neden olmaktadýr. Teorik ve ampirik çalýþmalarda bilginin elde edilmesi, yayýlmasý ve iktisadi geliþmeyi etkilemesi gibi konulara sýklýkla yer...
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