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El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una revisión de las principales regularidades que, desde una óptica microeconómica, se han observado en los trabajos que analizan la evolución de la productividad y los determinantes de su crecimiento en la economía española durante las últimas...
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Productivity at Australian container terminals has improved significantly in absolute terms since 1997 according to … this international benchmarking study. For the sample of ship calls and terminals studied, productivity improved also in … relative terms. The productivity improvement at Australian terminals was generally greater than at overseas terminals between …
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outlook. An Algebraic Model of the author infers that Productivity of the assisted nations should be with reference to their …
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This work attempts to shed light on the “information technology productivity paradox”. Employing a large data set of … Italian manufacturing firms we compute ICT marginal productivity across different cluster of firms and the impact of …/introduction behaviour and firm’s technological investment aptitude have any role in explaining ICT productivity. We find that low capital …
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